Mindfulness of the Breath Meditation:
Enjoy this short mindfulness of the breath meditation. This is often the first mindfulness skill I teach to clients.
Mindfulness resources:
- Tricycle: "Dedicated to making Buddhist teachings and practices broadly available". There are many resources here, and I have linked to two articles about Mindfulness here to get you started. There are other perspectives regarding Mindfulness and all are valid. For me personally, these resonate:
- "On Mindfulness: Two New Perspectives" by Jeff Wilson & Wendy Agsar, 2016.
- "What Mindfulness is Not" by Stephen Batchelor, Christina Feldman, Akincano Weber, and John Peacock, 2018.
- Mindful.Org: Another perspective on Mindfulness. To get you started, I have linked to their introduction to Mindfulness below:
- "Getting Started with Mindfulness" has tons of amazing information for the beginning mindfulness practitioner including simply stated definitions, audio practices, introductory videos, and links to more resources.
- The UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC): "MARC's mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society". Below I've linked to their listing of free guided meditations available in English and Spanish
- The Greater Good Science Center: Based out of the University of California, Berkeley, the GGSC "studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society".
- The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Veteran Training: Anger and Irritability Management Skills: This is an online course "developed specifically for Veterans" and offers "a wide range of practical skills and tools to manage your anger and develop self-control over your thoughts and actions"
LGBTQIA+ Resources
- The Queer Liberation Library: from their website, "Queer Liberation Library (QLL) is fighting to build a vibrant, flourishing queer future by connecting LGBTQ+ people with literature, information, and resources that celebrate the unique and empowering diversity of our community."
- Trans Student Educational Resources
- The Asexual Visibility & Education Network
- WPATH ethical guidelines for professionals
- The GALAP movement
- Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE; a subdivision of ACA)
- Florida Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues in Counseling (FALGBTIC; a subdivision of the FL ACA)
- Transgender Law & Policy Institute
- The Trevor Project:
- Lambdalegal
- Intersex society of north America
Other Resources:
- You Feel Like Shit- a self-care game! - from the website, "This is especially useful for people who struggle with self care, executive dysfunction, and/or reading internal signals. It's designed to take as much of the weight off of you as possible, so each decision is very easy and doesn't require much judgment"
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Created by Congress in 2000 as part of the mission to "raise the standard of care and increase access to services for children and family who experience or witness traumatic events"
- Unconsenting Media: Use this search engine for sexual violence in broadcasting